Tattoo change leads to Positively Fort Wayne
Posted: 03/4/2019
The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission, with the help of a couple tattoo studios, is helping men start over with a program that is positively Fort Wayne.
Rescue Mission celebrates "Cake Lady"
Posted: 02/21/2019
Sandra Wright, also known as the cake lady, has been delivering cakes to the mission for 24 years.
Rescue Mission Served Thousands of Meals to Hungry Across the Fort
Posted: 02/4/2019
The Rescue Mission served all types of food from turkey, green beans, mash potatoes and desserts to families across the Fort.
Family Donation Is Teaching Moment
Posted: 01/29/2019
During the awful cold clobbering the Midwest, donated items are pouring into the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission.
Rescue Mission Ready for 'Deep Freeze'
Posted: 01/28/2019
People in need of a place to stay overnight should physically check in first at the Rescue Mission.
Mission Prepares to Help Those in Need
Posted: 01/24/2019
Rescue Mission officials urged folks in need to find shelter as they prepared their workers to help people during next week’s sub-freezing temperatures.
Mission Filled with Cots as More Men Seek Shelter
Posted: 01/17/2019
The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission is filling every space with cots as a very high number of men are seeking shelter.
$1.5M Gift Helps Rescue Mission Capital Campaign
Posted: 01/8/2019
A $1.5 million gift described as perhaps the largest in the last 15 to 20 years of The Lutheran Foundation's history will get construction of the new men's shelter of The Rescue Mission off the ground in upcoming weeks.
Mission Sees Uptick in Shelter Population
Posted: 12/27/2018
Demand for The Rescue Mission's emergency men's shelter has increased in recent weeks, serving, on average, 16 more men than the beginning of December.
Rescue Mission serves thousands of meal to hungry
Posted: 12/25/2018
The Rescue Mission served all types of food from turkey, green beans, mash potatoes and desserts to families across the Fort.
Rescue Mission serves record number of Christmas meals
Posted: 12/25/2018
More than 3,000 meals were served on Christmas day.
Rescue Mission serves up Thanksgiving
Posted: 11/22/2018
More than 3,000 Thanksgiving meals were served at The Rescue Mission.