Emergency Services

Sustaining Life

The Rescue Mission provides immediate relief from hunger and homelessness.
The Bible tells us whenever we feed the hungry, clothe the needy or help the poor, we’ve done it as unto the Lord. The Rescue Mission lives out this biblical teaching every day. Here, transient men stay for the night or a few weeks, while the needy in our community find three free meals a day, as well as, clothing, hygiene products, referrals—or simply someone to listen.

30+ beds are available for women who come to The Rescue Mission and receive emergency services.

Emergency Housing Ministry
Housing Ministry for women for 30 days. Basic needs, life coaches, and ongoing spiritual support are provided at no cost. This includes goal setting and referrals to other health and social service agencies. If The Rescue Mission determines a woman needs more intensive services, she’s invited to enroll in one of the programs if eligibility requirements are met.

Chapel Services
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM