Dave's Second Chance
In August 2016, Dave had a commencement for his completion of the long-term program at The Rescue Mission.
“We frequently hear that we need to change our people, places, and things,” Dave said. “I didn’t do a good job of changing the people I was associated with, and it ultimately made a huge difference in setting myself up for success, and setting myself up for failure.”
Dave, whose gentleness and kindness is undeniable, wanted to see the best in everyone, especially two of his very best friends. But, unfortunately, they manipulated him into situations that led Dave into a downward spiral, and he began to drink again.
“I used drinking as a coping mechanism,” Dave said. “I knew deep down that I could not keep living my life that way.”
Dave swallowed his pride and came back to The Rescue Mission, where he was also hooked up with Parkview Behavioral Health’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).
“Words cannot describe how grateful I am to The Rescue Mission for steering me towards IOP,” he said. “Through my time at IOP, and in my classes here at the Mission, I learned the value I have as a person, not only in my eyes, but God’s eyes as well.”
Things were looking up for Dave. He was making the changes he needed to make, and even got a full-time job as a sales associate at Walgreens. But this past winter, Dave had a bad fall on a patch of ice, and fractured his femur. He ended up having surgery to place a rod and pins in his leg.
But instead of seeing the bad in everything he was going through, Dave choose to see the positive.
“In many ways, I’m grateful to God for the events of the past few months,” he said. “I could really see God at work in the people around me. I could see such fruits of the spirit as love, peace, goodness, and gentleness at work.”
Now that Dave has completed the long-term program at The Rescue Mission, he is returning to his hometown of Pittsburgh to care for his ailing parents.
“I am not the same person who entered the east doors at The Rescue Mission,” he said. “I am stronger, more grounded, and in absolute awe of God’s love for each one of us.”