Light in the dark
Consumed by alcohol for 35 years, Lance was living in true darkness. He had no sense of reality and felt he had lost complete control over his life. He turned away his entire family, including his daughter, which he said “I felt drinking was more important than her.” In 2014, he attempted to take his own life, but God had other plans. “I was mad at God for saving me. I wanted to die.”
Being in and out of programs, he never found what he needed. He ended up finding Wheeler Mission where he asked God to either take him or fix him. He found a church home and asked God to take away the fear, burdens, and cravings. He was put in contact with The Rescue Mission and gained the structure and learned responsibilities that he needed to live everyday life in a Godly way. His story did not end there.
Lance contracted Meningitis and was in a coma for three days. When he woke up, he learned Mission staff had stayed with him which showed him how much he was loved and cared for. Being discharged and coming back to The Rescue Mission, the love and care he received from staff and residents was overwhelming. “For the first time in 35 years, I finally felt someone cared for me.” Lance was able to finish the program at The Rescue Mission and found love, joy, and peace being able to walk freely with Jesus.
He has an apartment, is taking membership classes at Pathway Church, volunteers at Blessed Portions Ministry and The Rescue Mission, and has paid off all his debts. Most importantly, he has his daughter and relationships back with his family. “I never thought I would get my family back. I thought I would die alone but turning my life over to Jesus truly changed everything for me.” He is incredibly grateful for everything that The Rescue Mission has done for him. “Because of The Rescue Mission, I don’t see the world as something to be angry at, but something to be a part of.”