Need a Ride?
Henry decided to take up a side gig as a ride share driver to help provide his granddaughter with some spending money at college. Driving people around his hometown seemed easy and laid back. But, to his surprise, this side gig quickly transformed into something much bigger.
Henry lives on the Southeast side of Fort Wayne. Living and giving rides in this part of town has introduced him to a lot of people that are facing various challenges.
So, what was it like for Henry to notice the large number of homeless individuals asking for help or simply needing a ride? Instead of viewing it as a burden or a problem too big for one person to make a difference, Henry let the Holy Spirit shift his thinking.
“This has been a blessing to me, because it helps remind me of the blessings that I have,” shared Henry. “I have food. I’ve got shelter. I have these great blessings.”
Henry lets biblical principles guide his life and shared how this has encouraged him to see Jesus in every single person. He doesn’t just see a struggling mom trying to find food for her child or a man needing money for a meal, he sees Jesus standing on that street corner. This mindset prompts him to answer the nudge from the Holy Spirit asking, “What are you going to do?”
He might be able to give a ride so people can get to where they need to be or to provide a copy of The Rescue Mission resource guide. This guide is full of information to get connected with help for a specific needs. No matter how small the gesture is, it can make a difference.
“I can give a ride down the street, I can do that,” Henry said. He can see how giving a single ride can make a difference. It could be getting someone to a job interview, back to a loved one, or even to a hot meal.
One ride job crossed his path with a mom with a young baby that had moved to Fort Wayne to flee an abusive situation. She had no money and no way to get formula for her baby except government vouchers. Henry’s route was to drive her to a particular grocery store, but as the mom exited the store, she was in tears. This particular store location didn’t have the formula that was eligible for the vouchers she had, yet again leaving her without a way to get food for her baby.
Instead of leaving her to try and figure it out on her own with no direction or guidance, Henry followed the nudge of the Holy Spirit and did what he could. He took her to the store, gave her a budget, and purchased food and formula for her and her baby. But their budding friendship didn’t stop there.
Since that day, she has been able to call Henry with questions and he has continued to help however he can. She has also put The Rescue Mission resource guidebook to use and gotten connected with local organizations that have been able to help her get back on her feet.
While the problem of homelessness is too big for one person or organization to solve, that doesn’t mean that every single person can’t make an impact.
“You have to step up when you can, in the way you can,” encouraged Henry. “Let the Holy Spirit move you.”
Henry’s job allows him to provide rides. Maybe you’re able to donate to a local shelter to help provide hot meals to those in need. Maybe you want to volunteer your time to help collect donations. We don’t know all the battles an individual is facing.
Stories like Henry’s own journey of ride share driving and following the nudge of the Holy Spirit is just the tip of the iceberg on how individuals can help make a difference in the homelessness crisis. Whether you’re offering a ride or spending time volunteering, you can be the reason someone experiences God’s love
“It’s hard. It’s so hard,” said Henry. “So many things we absolutely take for granted, that we never think about, become a huge challenge for these [homeless] people.”
To download a copy of The Rescue Mission Resource Guide, click here.